Pavement parking enforcement to begin

Published: Monday 17 March 2025

This image shows a wheelchair user and person pushing it having to go onto the road to navigate a car parked on the pavement

South Lanarkshire Council is to begin enforcing fines to motorists who park on pavements, at drop kerbs or who double park.

A soft approach has been adopted since the start of the year, with warning notices given to vehicles parked in contravention of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. 

This will now be upgraded to Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) from today. The Penalty Charge Notice of £100 is reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days of it being issued.

Head of Roads, Transportation and Fleet Services, Colin Park, said: “We believe that after a couple of months of issuing warning notices, now is the correct time to start issuing PCNs.

“We hope the warning notices have educated drivers that their parking practices requires to change, and if they continue to park inappropriately, they will likely receive a PCN. 

“We are enforcing Parliamentary legislation aimed at making pavements safer.”

Parking Attendants have issued more than 2,000 warning notices across approximately 350 streets since the start of the year.  

In addition, over 600 pieces of correspondence have been received, 80% of which are requesting attendance and enforcement action. The remaining enquiries relate to request for streets to be exempt and these are being considered in conjunction with the previous assessment report undertaken on this matter. 

Colin Park added: “We will consider the use of PCNs in a balanced, proportionate, and pragmatic way and this approach will be kept under review.

“We recognise that some areas may be considered for future exemptions.  As such we will be initially focussing on priority locations where there are clear alternatives to footway parking and where footway parking is causing real difficulties for pedestrians.”